Viiigsor 1010 fb. GSOR 1010 FB primary equipment from IRM to Turbo, secondary equipment from Turbocharger / Gun Rammer / Improved Ventilation to CVS / Coated Optics / LNES, FM level II from 2 to 1; Week 31 - 31 July - 6 August 2023. Viiigsor 1010 fb

GSOR 1010 FB primary equipment from IRM to Turbo, secondary equipment from Turbocharger / Gun Rammer / Improved Ventilation to CVS / Coated Optics / LNES, FM level II from 2 to 1; Week 31 - 31 July - 6 August 2023Viiigsor 1010 fb  这是游戏内的第一条轮式中坦分支,拥有60的极速和390的视野,生存性上也是向着轻坦看齐,可以说毫无装甲。

The Army needed a reconnaissance tank, two of which could be carried in an aircraft. VIII GSOR 1010 FB. They are filled to the brim with plenty of treats, such as decorations for your festive Garage, gold & credits, World of. Эта машина получит премиумный статус и выйдет раньше прокачиваемой ветки. Marks of mastery expectation values for today presented by 1008这个车是2020年12月圣诞活动开箱子获得的,迄今为止无论外服还是国服都没有卖过,这也是我开了小百十来个箱子获得的唯一 一辆8金,对它的期望也是比较高,但是玩了以后,我发现我根本玩不来这车,因为这车。。。数据太另类了。圣诞开箱子,一个箱子12块5。gsor 1010 fb是游戏里面第一台英国轮式中坦,它最初发布于今年4月中旬。这家伙其实“轮战”就是个噱头,它的机动性更像履带式坦克,wg坦克组为它设计的“可以原位转向”这一优点,并不是很能弥补它身上存在的一些缺陷。它的主炮是个360单发的105炮,目前看来细瞄打狙应该还是可以的,炮弹弹速. Na supertest dorazila britská kopie Lynxe 6×6, akorát v podobě středního tanku. « Back to GSOR 1008 page. GSOR 1010 FB - recensione video sulle caratteristiche principali del veicolo e il suo utilizzo in battaglia. 2023-08-09 16:28:51 来源:游民星空 [整理] 作者:未知 编辑:虎尾兰. Low HP, Good DPM, Penetration 248, Damage 350. O. В декабре 1961 года появились требования G. Meistert den GSOR 1010 FB, einen britischen mittleren Premiumpanzer der Stufe VIII auf Rädern – ja, Räder! – mit umwerfenden 360 SP Schaden je Schuss. 1961 decemberében jelent meg a G. R. (General Staff Operational Requirements) 1010 к колёсному броневику-разведчику. gsor 1010 fb的生存性数据 GSOR 1010 FB作为轮式中型坦克,它的生存性向轻型坦克看齐。 目前它拥有1300点的生命值,与同级很多的中型坦克相同,但是坦克的炮塔、车体正面厚度仅有18毫米,侧面与后面也只有16毫米,这完全是轻型坦克的水平,可以被高爆弹轻易击穿。下左 gsor 1010 装甲侦察车 下右 gsor 1008 方案1 第一阶段的GSOR方案,即GSOR 1006 和 GSOR 1010,可能还包括隔壁串门(但更重)的GSOR 1008。 而这个一阶段,就涵盖(相关)有将要加入游戏的两款轮式中型坦克,以及已经存在于游戏中的两款坦歼。World of Tanks Supertest News. 又快又狠地進攻,迅速解決一個又一個的敵人!. Use compare button to compare GSOR 1010 FB tank to any other wot tank. 如果您. Нарезки на танковом ютубе Поддержи автора, подпишись на канал)Понимаю что многих раздражает запикивание. This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for GSOR 1010 FB. Expand your collection with this Franco-British second-line. It was a three-man combat vehicle weighing almost 14. Gun: the gun handling on the thing is legitimately amazing, . (General Staff Operational Requirements) 1010 for a. ITEM: BUNDLE Contents: FINAL IN-GAME PRICE: Ready for NY: GSOR 1008. R. S. Strike fast and hard, and then swiftly pick your enemies off one by one! Der GSOR 1010 FB als Tier 8 Premium Radpanzer Medium bei den Briten. 11:14. Recharge time 12. R. In terms of characteristics, the GSOR 1010 FB was between a light and medium tank. The first developments were presented in January 1963. (General Staff Operational Requirements) 1010-es számú, kerekes páncélozott felderítő járműre vonatkozó előírás. 8金中坦GSOR 1010首评与实战讲解. This GSOR 1010 Review features a quick overview of the GS. S. Jeho ovládání děla přidává vozidlu na všestrannosti a. GSOR 1010 FB weak spots are displayed in red and green color. Always live on the free Audacy app. GSOR 1010 Franco-British 등장! GSOR 1010 FB의 우수한 기동력과 화력을 바탕으로 후방에서 지원 전차로 활약하며 전장을 지배해 보십시오! 포탄 공격력: 360. 加えて砲塔旋回もかなり速くストレスのない射撃を実現している。. Later, there was an alternative project. Ohromujících 360 bodů poškození na výstřel stroje GSOR 1010 FB patří mezi středními tanky jeho úrovně mezi jedno z nejvyšších. The development was discontinued after preparation of a set of blueprints and the production of a dummy vehicle. Aiming time: from 2. The shooting. . 7/1 IX Cobra IX GSOR 1006 Scheme 7 IX Искажённый IX Цербер IX Centurion Action X X Concept No. IV I Arlequin I Variagas I 56TP VIII Kampfpanzer 07 P(E) X Ugnies kamuolys I. 12 hull movement dispersion with 0. Témata: World of Tanks Wargaming WoT. World of Tanks is a trademark of Wargaming. Meet the guest of honor: a brand-new Tier VIII Premium British medium tank!The GSOR 1010 FB is the first ambassador of the highly anticipated line of new wheeled vehicles and promises good gun handling, excellent mobility, and the new wheeled suspension mechanic. 1 patchLatest changes on Index: to start playing World of Tanks? Use this link and you can choose 1 o. GSOR 1010 FB 遭放棄後,後續英國的戰車設計仍數次出現功能完整的輪. "Greetings, Commanders!We're launching the first Common Test of Update 1. 它可以在战场上快速机动,并借助其卓越的火力制敌于先。. The development was discontinued after preparation of a set of blueprints and the production of a dummy vehicle. 釋放 GSOR 1010 FB 作為機動型二線支援戰車的力量,以勢不可擋的機動性和火力稱霸戰場!. 12 hull movement dispersion with 0. Posted on 10 August 2023 10 August 2023 by demostene. Вирушайте в бій на британському колісному (так-так, ви правильно почули!) середньому танку VIII рівня GSOR 1010 FB, який завдає гідні 360 од. 迂迴包抄敵人,直擊痛點,讓每一發砲彈都造成傷害!. 加上先前公布的,已进入超测的gsor 1010 fb(八金),y系的整条轮战线路都公布了准确等级和型号! 这不来了吗? 而这一次,Y系轮式战车家族的“历史真实度”是出乎意料地高,其中不仅包括照例的史实图纸坦克,还不乏大战名将、世界名坦!第一阶段的GSOR方案,即GSOR 1006 和 GSOR 1010,可能还包括隔壁串门(但更重)的GSOR 1008。. Emlékeztető: Twitch token bolt. The shooting. ,【配件推荐】10级中坦MT每台车三套配件,【轻尘·思路分享·豹1】尽力做到每局有一分钟的思路清晰,【轻尘·单车·变节者】T0人上人?. Skill4ltu's note: Level IV: If this does not. 07:00 (CEST) és augusztus 21. 10,725 likes · 168 talking about this. · 1d ·. 解説 (v1. 2 s. 而这个一阶段,就涵盖(相关)有将要加入游戏的两款轮式中型坦克,以及已经存在于游戏中的两款坦歼。. Samozřejmě se bude jednat o první stroj tohoto typu, takže prémiové vozidlo. S. 9000. Wir schauen uns an, was e. 07:00 (CEST) között. 當時陸軍需要的是偵察戰車,且一次可利用飛機運輸兩輛。. 7/1 IX Cerberus IX Cobra IX Corrupted IX GSOR 1006 Scheme 7 IX Centurion Action X X Concept No. Use Confrontation menu to watch live armor model of GSOR 1010 FB regarding to any shooter tank you choose. O. 7/1 IX Cobra IX GSOR 1006 Scheme 7 IX Centurion Action X X Concept No. This. GSOR 1010 FB Tier 8, Medium tank ★ Premium tank. Přesnost je 0,33 na 100 metrů a doba zaměření je 2,1 sekundy. Developed within the British GSOR program to increase the defense and mobility characteristics of vehicles. 135 Similarity. 这是游戏内的第一条轮式中坦分支,拥有60的极速和390的视野,生存性上也是向着轻坦看齐,可以说毫无装甲。. 1010 WINS, New York, New York. Iron Arnie. Description ci dessous :Vidéo de présentation du premier char à roue moyen anglais ! Ce premier char annonce la nouvelle branche qui arrivera chez la nation. GSOR 1010 FB (Great Britain, Tier-8, MT, premium, mechanics: wheels) Firepower: • Aiming Time: from 2. ggVIII GSOR 1008 VIII GSOR 1010 FB - New! VIII HWK 30 VIII IS-3A VIII IS-5 (Object 730) VIII IS-6 VIII IS-6 B VIII ISU-152K VIII Kampfpanzer 07 RH VIII Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 VIII KV-4 Kreslavskiy. GSOR 1010 FB是作为Y系轮式中坦的先行车加入游戏的,作为第一辆轮式中坦,它的战斗风格和体验,可以说代表了这一分支。. Use Confrontation menu to watch live armor model of GSOR 1010 FB regarding to any shooter tank you choose. 与二测时的数据相比;该车的. Выберите оборудование, перки и полевую модицикацию. Zespół WoT przygotowuje nową gałąź brytyjskich kołowych czołgów średnich. S. Heavy tanks. MS-1. A gyors célzásával és kiváló lövegkezelésével te is igazi mesterlövésszé válhatsz! JAVASOLT ÖSSZEÁLLÍTÁS. 【坦克世界金币车】13周年庆活动期间本周新上金币车(122TM等3辆)个人推荐. 1010』に基づいて開発が進められた装輪式の偵察戦闘車輌にあたり、1963年1月に提出された最初の計画案では総重量14. Later, there was an alternative project. Ve třetí iteraci má tento stroj zvýšené pancéřování. View sales history, tax history, home value estimates, and. Válj a kerekeken – igen, kerekeken! – guruló VIII-as szintű prémium brit közepes tank, a GSOR 1010 FB mesterévé, amely minden egyes lövésével elképesztő, 360-as sebzésre képes. viii gsor 1010 fb. 分享. S. VIII GSOR. Strv fm/21. The development was discontinued after preparation of a set of blueprints and the production of a dummy vehicle. Zadaje on 360 obrażeń na. R. 可以说,这一轮的修改让GSOR 1010 FB变得更加高手向,更加难以驾驭. com you can determine the development of World of Tanks players and clans. 2023 Británie, britský strom, GSOR 1010 FB, kolové tanky, prémiový tank, Supertest. R. вводи промо-код WOTCS30 и забирай 30 бесплатных сундуков!Шутер про современные подразделения. (General Staff Operational Requirements) 1010 for a wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicle were released. . Ajouter le véhicule avec. How the unicums play with the GSOR 1010 FB - World of TanksIn December 1961, the G. 1961 decemberében jelent meg a G. GSOR 1010 FB armor and info on this page. Hitpoints: from 1,300 to 1,200 HP. Kpfw. Pierwszym przedstawicielem nowej gałęzi pojazdów, który pojawi się na Superteście, będzie GSOR 1010 FB, pojazd premium. . Use Confrontation menu to watch live armor model of GSOR 1010 FB regarding to any shooter tank you choose. ) the drivetrain was used as the basis for the unique Stalwart amphibious transport vehicle. The appearance and performance characteristics of the wheel are good, the model is at an early stage of production. In my humble opinion: (price are approximate, this means round number) GSOR 1010FB for €38, this is price for a heavy tank at tier VIII. GSOR 1010 FB, revue en vidéo couvrant les caractéristiques principales du véhicules et son comportement en bataille. 7/1 IX Cerberus IX Cobra IX Corrupted IX GSOR 1006 Scheme 7 IX Centurion Action X X Concept No. A project for a tank destroyer with an oscillating turret in the early 1960s. ggWoT Supertest: GSOR 1010 FB Video & In-Game Screenshots. 瞄准时间的削弱等于砍了炮控,血量降低让它更加容易暴毙(别忘了它的纸皮装甲)。. 4. Vigor Senigallia - Scuola Calcio Vigorina, Senigallia. 600 Likes Facebook Giveaway . 198K views 4 months ago. Here comes a mysterious Tier 8 British tank destroyer, the first premium of it's kind with an autoloader!SUBSCRIBE for more video. Make each shot count as you outflank enemies and hit them where it hurts! 2 Seconds Aim Time. In December 1961, the G. Nyári 2D-stílusok. Koncepcja nowej gałęzi w grze: lekko opancerzone, mobilne, kołowe czołgi średnie o dużej sylwetce. 完成特殊周年纪念任务,获得全新V级金币轻型坦克;获取周年纪念币,在周年纪念商店中兑换好物. Do britského stromu přibydou nové kolové tanky s vysokou siluetou, slabým pancířem, děly s vyšší alfou, slušným časem zaměření a rozptylem. (Velká Británie, Tier-8, MT, prémiový, mechanika: kola) i. . O. GSOR 1010 FB primary equipment from IRM to Turbo, secondary equipment from Turbocharger / Gun Rammer / Improved Ventilation to CVS / Coated Optics / LNES, FM level II from 2 to 1; Week 31 - 31 July - 6 August 2023. Some additional stats to the GSOREin Scharfschütze mit immenser Mobilität. This was a fun little challenge I did while grinding for the super conq on an alt account. By comparison, the Rozanov will either be a free kill or nearly invincible with no in-between, even with the same player in the same match. Today’s video will look closer at the GSOR 1010 introduced by World of Tanks to their game. S. Koukneme se na prvního adepta, prémiový tank GSOR 1010 FB. Beowulf I Clinger I Huragan I Varyag I 56TP VIII Raven I Ho-Ri 2 VIII GSOR 1010 FB VIII Harbinger Mk. SETTINGS OR REJECT. 44 Pantera VIII Progetto M35 mod. 33 accuracy means this thing is gonna snap shot better than a 140, but at tier 8 and with higher alpha. 在《坦克世界》测试服中,近日加入了首台Y系轮式中型坦克GSOR 1010 FB。. Using the Armor Inspector webapp above you can learn GSOR 1010 FB armor layout, weak spots and specs. 火力. 21 sec Survivability: • Tank Durability/HP: from 1,300 to 1,200 HP Spotting: • View Range: from 390 to 380 m General: • Tank HP Repair Cost: from 7,410 to 6,840 credits 新8金轮战 GSOR 1010 FB,极致野队吸血鬼. 它是游戏里第二条轮式战车线路,这也吸引了相当多的玩家关注。. gsor 1010 fb – первый анонсированный британский средний колесный танк. Máme zde kolové střední tanky, zatím nedokončený model. Cruiser I. 198K views 4 months ago. Máme zde první fotky z bojiště nového stroje, který se prohání na testu. GSOR 1010 FB (minor) Stat Changes . Players Avg. The first representative of the new vehicle branch coming to the Supertest will be the GSOR 1010 FB, a Premium vehicle. 43 ter VII Mars VIII P. Use compare button to compare GSOR 1010 FB tank to any other wot tank. gg4 min read 13 April 2023 FastestClassic An exciting new vehicle has entered Supertest today, premiering the upcoming line of British wheeled mediums: VIII GSOR 1010 FB To. 嗨呀~胡啦!. Marathon premiums tend to be strong, not weak, so that eliminates these. 根据wg坦克组的说法,y系轮式中坦具有以下特点. Skill4ltu World of Tanks streamer offers a wide range of educational resources and training videos, tailored to help new or experienced players with their goals and reach their full potential. вводи промо-код WOTCS30 и забирай 30 бесплатных сундуков!Шутер про современные подразделения. F. Reklama. Задать вопрос или послать стримера- второй канал Trovo. ゲーム初の装輪中戦車、かつ初のフランス以外の装輪車輌 *1 。. Используйте GSOR 1010 FB в качестве шустрой машины огневой поддержки второй линии и доминируйте на поле боя за счёт её неудержимости и огневой мощи! Разовый урон 360 ед. 21. 10 - Technikai teszt szerver ». Meet the guest of honor: a brand-new Tier VIII Premium British medium tank! The GSOR 1010 FB is the first ambassador of the highly anticipated line of new wheeled. Az új kerekes tankok első képviselője a tier VIII-as prémim GSOR 1010 FB, ami megkapja a top tankok minden előnyét, így a kiváló lövegkezelhetőséget, a kiemelkedő mozgékonyságot és az új kerekes felfüggesztést. 但是gsor 1010 fb的实际操作体验···却并不太好,因为 它的车体旋转速度被wg定得太低了 ,这就让gsor 1010 fb并不好操控。 坦克的前进和倒车都没有问题,挺好的,就是 这个迟钝的转向让它开起来像一只不会转弯的蛮牛,大概这也是为了限制它的发挥吧. 「GSOR 1010 Franco-British」の単発ダメージは360HPと高く、同格中戦車トップクラスの火力を誇る。. . It was a three-man combat vehicle weighing almost 14. (General Staff Operational Requirements) 1010 for a wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicle were released. Support Tank Destroyer. с. 70 K当前数据研判 09:25 新D系10级重坦Projekt Kpz. 43 bis VI P. 5 X FV4202 X. 43 V P. R. WG坦克组这次是直接给它做了一门105炮上来,而且车辆的. A célzási idő 2,21-ről 1,92 s-re csökkent. Here, you can also revoke consent at any time with effect for the future. Detailed information on all our partners and data processing can be found in the settings. . The vehicle is equipped with a 105 mm gun that fires every 12. . . World of Tanks - tanks. S. Italy. Supertest: GSOR 1010 FB, Tier VIII British Wheeled Medium (+ Initial Branch Details!) 13 April 2023 FastestClassic. Il GSOR 1010 FB fu abbandonato, sebbene da allora una autoblindo completa sia apparsa più di una volta tra i progetti britannici. 21 sec. 100% trained crew. Zawieszenie kołowe zapewnia świetną dynamikę. Battles Avg. Неймовірні 360 шкоди за постріл є. Nutzt seine schnelle Zielerfassung und die hervorragende Geschützhandhabung und werdet zu einem wahren Scharfschützen! Hier kommt der GSOR 1010 FB. The staggering 360 damage per shot is. Ostrostřelec s obrovskou pohyblivostí Prémiový střední tank GSOR 1010 FB, úroveň VIII, je silou, se kterou se musí počítat. Поддержать стримера - ПРИЗЫ ВСЕМ на НОВОМ КАНАЛЕ на VKPlay -. 01 to 2. Medium Tanks VIII GSOR 1010 FB Add to comparison Premium Vehicles In December 1961, the G. The first representative of the new vehicle branch coming to the Supertest will be the GSOR 1010 FB, a Premium vehicle. Ohromujících 360 bodů. Tháng 12/1961, G. Unleash the GSOR 1010 FB as a mobile second line support vehicle, and conquer the battlefield with unstoppable mobility and firepower! 360 Damage Per Shot. S. 这也是它仅停留在草图阶段的主要原因,陆军需要的是能够通过运输机一次载运2辆的轻型侦察坦克。. i 、 viii su-130pm 、 viii gsor 1010 fb 、 viii cs-52 lis 、 viii 潘哈德 ebr 75(fl10) 、 viii shptk-tvp 100 等多个奖励中自选一个作为奖励。 前往门票奖励页面 现场大奖Varyag I Fireball I Arlequin I UDES 03 Alt 3 IX 56TP VIII GSOR 1010 FB VIII Harbinger Mk. r/WorldofTanks. gsor 1010 fb. 下左 gsor 1010 装甲侦察车 下右 gsor 1008 方案1 第一阶段的GSOR方案,即GSOR 1006 和 GSOR 1010,可能还包括隔壁串门(但更重)的GSOR 1008。 而这个一阶段,就涵盖(相关)有将要加入游戏的两款轮式中型坦克,以及已经存在于游戏中的两款坦歼。 No-Letterhead2201 3 mo. O. 3 min read. It has the same gun handling without vert stabs as a Progetto 46 has with vert stabs. 1K damage and 8 kills on the map "Mines" Awards received: Kolob. This tank is a medium through and through. 1122 5 2023-08-11 12:12:16 未经作者授权,禁止转载. 在《坦克世界》测试服中,近日加入了首台Y系轮式中型坦克GSOR 1010 FB。. Рассмотрим новый прем танк GSOR 1010 FB Машина довольно интересная, новая в плане колесного СТПосмотри ТТХ. Der GSOR 1010 FB wurde aufgegeben, obwohl vollwertige Radpanzer seither mehr als einmal wieder in britischen Entwürfen aufgetaucht sind. also, in general the British tech tree is played mostly for their meme tanks (Sh*t Barn, etc), there’s nothing “sexy” or “cool” about the Tortoise or the GSOR 1008 and those are in the top 10 of most played British tanks, making the 1010 FB cool won’t make much of a difference in how many they sell so it is simply not worth the. GSOR 1010 spotted in the wild. Bónusz. 2 秒瞄準時間. Vissza a tetejére. R. GSOR 1010 FB ( Velká Británie, Střední tank-8, prémiový, mechanika: kola)1,888 likes, 63 comments - worldoftanks_official on August 13, 2023: "A sharpshooter with immense mobility The Premium Tier VIII GSOR 1010 FB medium tank is a for. Polubienia: 665,Komentarze: 29. General: • Added equipment: “Improved Ventilation Class 2”, “Improved Hardening (Class 2)”, “Medium Spall Liner”. GSOR 1010 FB (Great Britain , MT-8, premium, mechanics: wheels). A hamarosan érkező új brit med ág előszele - mint már megszokhattuk - egy prémium tank. С 10 августа, 08:00 (МСК) по 28 августа, 08:00 (МСК) Встречайте почётного гостя: совершенно новый британский средний премиум танк viii. Spotting. 19. Životy: Odolnost tanku/HP: upraven z 1 300 na 1 200. O. 판매 기간: 2023년 8월 10일 (목) 07:00 ~ 8월 28일 (월) 01:00. . The standard shell from the GSOR 1010 costs 1200 credits for 360 damage while the 122TM standard shell costs 1065 credits for 400 damage with better shell velocity. This means even if you put a Bounty Exhaust on this thing, it’s still not sneaky enough to be an effective LT, which is good. S. gg now vBAddict style tank stats! View detailed server-wide tank stats for all WoT tanks here. Ve třetí iteraci má toto vozítko zvýšené pancéřování. 此前已有GSOR 1010 FB、5号概念车与GSOR 1006方案7这三台坦克加入超测,目前这条线路上的VIII级中型坦克萨拉丁加入了超测,它是装甲车发展史上的重要一员,本期文章就为各位介绍这台坦克的详细. 和天蝎比选哪个?. 1) 概要. We seek to foster a spirit of distinction generated by respect, care and leadership – and ask you toThe VIII GSOR 1008 is part of the line-up of Premium vehicles that are hidden in this year's Large Holiday Ops Boxes. Szuperteszten a GSOR 1010 FB brit kerekes prémium 8-as közepes tank. Facebook -parent Meta has agreed to pay $90 million to settle a decade-old class action lawsuit over a practice that allowed the social network to track users’ activity across the internet, even. O. Obrigado por assistir mais um vídeo do seu amigo Tombs!Link de afiliado para ganhar desconto na inscrição do NoPing e ajudar o canal!C, 56TP, GSOR 1010 FB, 259A/Udarniy, "K-2", XM66F I highly doubt the CS-52 C or 56TP. F. 3 beds, 1 bath, 2081 sq. S. Su daño de 360 por disparo se encuentra entre los más altos para un tanque mediano en su nivel, ¡y puede andar a través de varios terrenos con una velocidad máxima de 60 km/h! Meet the GSOR 1010 Franco-British. A sharpshooter with immense mobility The Premium Tier VIII GSOR 1010 FB medium tank is a force to be reckoned with. Doba nabíjení 12,2 sekund, takže průměrné poškození za minutu je přibližně 1770 jednotek. 5 X FV4202 X. 1K damage and 8 kills on the map "Mines" Awards received: Kolob. Премиумный танк СТ viii gsor 1010 fb и дополнительное. C. Select Language. Sniper Medium Tank. GSOR1008超细节进阶指南+实战解说,最适合版本的金币TD/MT?. Tovább a kategóriában: « 0. Nie zapomnij ocenić, skomentować, zostawić suba i zadzwonić dzwoneczkiem!📨 Kontakt/Współpraca: rysiek@stormmedia. В декабре 1961 года появились требования G. Using the Armor Inspector webapp above you can learn GSOR 1010 FB armor layout, weak spots and specs. 2023 Británie, britský strom, GSOR 1010 FB, kolové tanky, prémiový tank, Supertest. Později vznikl alternativní projekt. 享受. 1: can still drive slowly while wheels are. Třetí iterace kolového GSOR 1010 FB dnes vstoupila do supertestu WoT EU . 讓我們歡迎特邀嘉賓 —— 全新英國 viii 階加值中型戰車 ! gsor 1010 fb 是備受期待的 全新輪式戰車 系列的首位代表。 它擁有出色的炮管操控性、機動性和全新輪式懸吊機制。 入手這輛 英法二線支援型戰車 ,擴展您的收藏! 它既是擁有 60 公里/小時最高速度 的輪式偵察兵,也是能夠造成 驚人 360. Каждый. 833 views 3 weeks ago. 火力面の弱点としては装填時間の長さ. Later, there was an. El nombre de Villacañas se origina en el 1229, con motivo del. В декабре 1961 года появились требования G. 7. This was also the main reason why the work did not progress beyond the sketches. 1で追加されたTier8の イギリス 課金 中戦車 。. MLS #948630. GSOR 1010 FB НОВАЯ ПРЕМ ИМБА 2023 и НОВАЯ ВЕТКА колёсных ТАНКОВ . A 105 milliméteres főfegyverzet 12,2 másodpercenként tölt újra. Máme zde aktuální změny nové středního tanku na kolech. Join. • Removed equipment. Is it broken or underwhelming? Let's find out!⏱️Timesta. Co na to říkáš?超前了解轮式中坦 纸糊一样的防护 极速60可高速支援. Maîtrisez le GSOR 1010 FB, un nouveau char moyen premium britannique de rang VIII à roues (oui, à roues !), qui inflige 360 PS de dégâts par tir. 01 na 21. Follow. Panzervorstellung: GSOR 1010 FB [World of Tanks]Twitch: und Thumbnail:. 20. Ez a változat nehezebb volt. . (General Staff Operational Requirements) 1010 for a wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicle were released. Villacañas es una población de la provincia de Toledo que se encuentra en La Mancha. Sniper Medium Tank. Az első fejlesztéseket 1963 januárjában mutatták be. Somua SM for €41, overpriced. 単発火力360とTier8中戦車としては高い。. 01 to 2. GSOR 1010 FB wheel damage demo Finally, as mentioned in yesterday’s article, the branch has been confirmed to start from the Covenanter rather than the Cruiser IV. Již v únoru tohoto roku jsme o budoucí linii napsali článek a nyní celkem rychle vychází první prémiový stroj na zkoušku. Załoga wyszkolona w 100% z PD załogi na wyszkolenie 3 dodatkowych atutów. World of Tanks Supertest – GSOR 1010 FB – preliminary model pictures. gsor 1010 fb. Welcome to Skill4ltu Index, your one-stop destination for acquiring new skills and knowledge in the World of Tanks. I VIII Chieftain/T95 VIII Chimera VIII FV4202 VIII FV4202 FL VIII FV601 Saladin VIII GSOR 1010 FB VIII Centurion Mk. . 大家好!最近国服上架了 y系8级金币坦克歼击车gsor 1008 这是国服首次公开销售此车,关于这台坦克值不值的买的问题也随之而来。那我们会用这样一期专栏,系统的来介绍一下gsor 1008吧~gsor 1008 车辆解析我直接上暴论:对于想买1008用来打钱的玩家并. . . gsor 1010 fb: бронирование, внутренние модули и экипаж, уязвимые места, шкурки пробития, статистика. Vitalita:gsor 1010 fb各位车长老爷们大家好啊。此前wg坦克组在23年工作计划中透露,打算制作第二条轮式战车——y系轮式中坦线路。就在昨天晚上,wg坦克组全球发布了首台y系轮式中坦gsor 1010 fb,这台车还是有点意思的,今天就跟大家一起来看看它。另外,莱斯塔服也新做了2台喷火坦克,我会在接下来的一段. v1. " World of Tanks on Instagram: "A sharpshooter with immense mobility 🎯 The Premium Tier VIII GSOR 1010 FB medium tank is a force to be reckoned with. 5 X FV4202 XI VIII Chieftain/T95 VIII Chimera VIII FV4202 VIII FV4202 FL VIII FV601 Saladin VIII GSOR 1010 FB VIII Centurion Mk. mechanika: kolová) na obrázku ve 4K. #wot #. The GSOR3301 AVR FS presents a variant of a light tank developed in the 1960s. A project for a tank destroyer with an oscillating turret in the early 1960s. le GSOR 1010 FB. Im Review schauen wir uns da. April 13, 2023 ~ KSA.